The Better End

Towards the end of 2016 the Romford Recorder reported that a group of (former) squatters had moved into the Bitter End, a pub which had closed some time before, in order to renovate it and turn it into a ‘social centre’ for the local community.  All with the consent of the owner of the property, who was a former New Age Traveller/Crustie type. One of the occupants was quoted as saying that they hoped to get the place ready within six months, which would’ve meant by the middle of 2017.  I took a look at the place each time I walked past and had eventually assumed that the idea had fallen through, so I am pleased to see that I was wrong.  Considering the dire state of the place before they moved in (there had been a fire which gutted the ground floor) I think six months to get it ready was a tad too hopeful!  I am probably not the only one looking forward to seeing it open.  The following is from the South Essex Stirrer blog

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